North Carolina
Law Enforcement Accreditation Network

Morning Review & Q&A
September 26, 2023
8:00 - 8:30 AM
Room 1
Room 1
About the Presenter(s)

Jeffrey Smythe
Director, NC Criminal Justice Education & Standards, NC DOJ

Jeffrey Smythe is the Director of the Criminal Justice Standards Division for the State of North Carolina. He has served in this capacity since August 2021. The Division performs regulatory work on behalf of the 35-member Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission certifying training academies, instructors, correctional officers, and police officers across the state and maintaining the highest ethical standards for all personnel. The Division also manages the North Carolina Law Enforcement Accreditation Program.
Prior to his appointment by Attorney General Josh Stein, Director Smythe served honorably for 35 years in law enforcement which included serving as the Chief of Police for the Burlington (NC) Police Department for eight years and the Chief of Police for the Show Low (AZ) Police Department for five years. His additional police experience includes three years with the Arizona State University Police Department and 19 years with the Scottsdale (AZ) Police Department.
Director Smythe has an extensive background related to accreditation having been the Accreditation Manager for the Initial Accreditation of the Scottsdale PD in 1991, the Chief when Show Low PD was accredited the first time, a CALEA assessor for a period, and has been a CALEA Commissioner for 6 years. He is a member of both the NC Law Enforcement Accreditation Network and AccredNet, the national association of state-based accrediting bodies.
He lives in Burlington, NC with his wife, Kimberly. They have three adult children and one grandchild, living in NC and AZ.