North Carolina
Law Enforcement Accreditation Network
Social Media & Law Enforcement
September 25, 2023
9:00 - 10:30 AM
Room 1
Room 1
Social Media: Legal and Policy Considerations for Law Enforcement Executive. This session will focus on two main areas related to social media use by governments, as well as by individual staff members in their personal lives. First, we will cover the basics of the First Amendment, as it relates to government social media pages, including when you can and cannot remove comments from your agency’s pages. We will also cover current case law to highlight how the courts are applying the First Amendment in these cases. to governmental social media accounts. A sample social media commenting policy will be shared to help guide your agency as you navigate the ever-evolving landscape. For the second part of the session, we will cover individual employee rights related to social media use, commonly used (and legal) agency personnel conduct policies, and the role of routine policy enforcement.
About the Presenter(s)
Shannon Tufts
UNC School of Government
Shannon Tufts is an expert on the intersection of law and technology in the public sector, cybersecurity, cloud computing, social media, and strategic IT investments, as well as CIO leadership and development.
As faculty member at the School of Government, she designed and implemented the first local government Certified Government Chief Information Officers (CGCIO) program in the nation in 2004 and continues to run multiple CIO certification programs across the United States for local and state government IT professionals.
She joined the School of Government in 2000 and is the director of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Center for Public Technology.
Tufts earned a bachelor's degree UNC–Chapel Hill, MPA from UNC–Charlotte, and Ph.D. in public administration with a concentration in public sector information systems from North Carolina State University.